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Why do I need to obtain veterinary permission before I can book an appointment?
Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, it is illegal for any person to treat an animal unless they are a veterinary surgeon or are working with referral from the animals veterinarian. This ensures that your animal is receiving appropriate treatment for their specific condition.
My animal is lame, should I call you or the vet?
If your animal becomes lame you should call/see your veterinarian immediately. Veterinary physiotherapists should not be treating any lame animal that hasn't been seen by a veterinarian first.
How do I prepare for a veterinary physiotherapy session?
Please make sure that your animal is dry and clean. For horses, please make sure they are in a quiet environment, bring a horsey friend in with them from the field if they stress on their own, and they should be tied up somewhere safe. For dogs, please have a dog bed ready for them to lie down on to keep them comfortable during their session.
Can I ride my horse straight after their veterinary physiotherapy session?
I always advise that your horse has at least one day off after a physiotherapy session and that the first time ridden is a light workout. If your horse has received deeper massage work, I may advise up to three days off after physiotherapy.
Do you only work on horses and dogs?
My qualifications allow me to work on any animal, from small animal to farm animal to exotic animal. The principles of my work apply to all animals, so please don't hesitate to contact me if your animal requires veterinary physiotherapy, regardless of species!
Will it hurt my animal?
Veterinary physiotherapy is not supposed to cause any harm to your animal. Some techniques may cause mild temporary discomfort, however should not result in any permanent pain, our main aim is to reduce pain!
How many sessions will my animal need?
This completely depends on the condition your animal presents with and can only be decided upon full assessment of your animal. An estimate on the number of required sessions will be made on the initial assessment, and will be changed accordingly depending on how your animal progresses.
Will my animals insurance cover the cost of physiotherapy?
A lot of insurance companies will cover the cost of physiotherapy sessions following injury/surgery. It is best to check your insurance cover or ring them up directly to find out exactly what treatments will be covered.
How long does a veterinary physiotherapy session last?
Initial sessions last longer than a follow-up session.
Equine initial: 1 hour 30 mins
Equine follow-up: 1 hour
Canine initial: 1 hour
Canine follow-up: 45 mins
What should I do during the veterinary physiotherapy session?
I will require you to walk/trot your animal up for a dynamic assessment, following this I may ask you to hold/handle your animal during the session if required. I will demonstrate exercises to you and ask you to perform them back to me, these exercises will then be left for you to carry out in-between sessions.
What are your qualifications?
I have a masters degree in veterinary physiotherapy at distinction level which I obtained from Writtle University College in 2019, following four years of study. I am fully insured and a member of RAMP.
Where can I find out more about veterinary physiotherapy?
You can find out more about veterinary physiotherapy on the NAVP website, RAMP website or Writtle University College page
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